
सितंबर, 2019 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Google to stop showing news snippets for French users

Google to stop showing news snippets for French users 21 by tannhaeuser | 3 comments

Select Sections from Images of Newspaper Clippings Using OpenCV and Python

Select Sections from Images of Newspaper Clippings Using OpenCV and Python 4 by code_devil | 0 comments

The news industry was complicit in the opioid crisis

The news industry was complicit in the opioid crisis 4 by danso | 1 comments

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000 32-core CPU is more bad news for Intel

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000 32-core CPU is more bad news for Intel 89 by rbanffy | 31 comments

Linode Shut Down a Newspaper

Linode Shut Down a Newspaper 57 by Ap0c | 14 comments

How UK security services neutralised the Guardian newspaper

How UK security services neutralised the Guardian newspaper 7 by ctack | 0 comments

Show HN: Clojure / Script GraphQL Fullstack Learning Project: Hacker News Clone

Show HN: Clojure / Script GraphQL Fullstack Learning Project: Hacker News Clone 18 by promesante | 1 comments I have ported "The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL" series, https://ift.tt/2t9BjE0, from Javascript to Clojure/script. Blog post: https://ift.tt/2ZjYRdl Source code GitHub repo: https://ift.tt/2ZC7VXf Suggestions and corrections, more than welcome.

Tell HN: Thank you for not redesigning Hacker News

Tell HN: Thank you for not redesigning Hacker News 135 by ramphastidae | 30 comments I’m currently in a country with low speed internet and the entire ‘modern’ web is basically unusable except HN, which still loads instantly. Reddit, Twitter, news and banking sites are all painfully slow or simply time out altogether. To PG, the mods and whoever else is responsible: thank you for not trying to ‘fix’ what isn’t broken.

NetNewsWire 5.0 – Open-Source RSS Reader for Mac

NetNewsWire 5.0 – Open-Source RSS Reader for Mac 28 by BooneJS | 2 comments