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(1) किसी आवेशित चालक के सतह बिंदु पर विधुतीय-क्षेत्र का मान होता है :- (a) ε₀ σ (b) σ/ε₀ (c) Zero (d) σ/2ε₀ Ans:- (b)
Board ke lie objective question
(2) आवेशित खोखले गोलीय चालक के अन्दर विधुत-तीव्रता होती है :- (a) ε₀ σ (b) σ/ε₀ (c) Zero (d) ε₀/2 Ans:- (c)
(3) एक आवेशित चालक के किसी विन्दु पर विधुतीय क्षेत्र की तीव्रता :- (a) शुन्य (b) सतह के लंबवत होती है (c) सतह के स्पर्शीय होता है (d) सतह 45 डिग्री से पर होती है Ans:-(b)
Important objective
(4) किसी आवेशित चालक के भीतर विधुतीय-क्षेत्र और विधुत विभव का मान क्रमशः होता है :- (a) समरूप, शुन्य (b) शुन्य, समरूप (c) अनंत, असमरूप (d) असमरूप, अनंत Ans:-(b)
(5) चालक पदार्थ से बने असीमित आवेशित पतली चादर की सतह के निकट स्थित किसी बिंदु पर विधुतीय-क्षेत्र का मान होता है :- (a) ε₀ σ (b) σ/ε₀ (c) σ/2ε₀ (d) (1/2)ε₀ σ Ans:-(c)
vvi objective question in hindi
(6) 2C आवेश को एक बिंदु से दुसरे बिंदु तक ले जाने में 20 J कार्य की आवश्यकता होती है ! इन दोनों बिन्दुओं के बीच वोल्ट में विभवान्तर है ! (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 5 (d) 2 Ans:-(a)
Objective in hindi
(7) निम्नलिखित में कौन सदिश राशी है :- (a) आवेश (b) धारिता (c) विधुतीय-क्षेत्र (d) विधुतीय-धारा Ans:-(c)
(8) विधुतीय-क्षेत्र में किसी विधुत द्विध्रुव को घुमाने में किया गया कार्य होता है :- (a) W = pE(1 – cosθ) (b) W = pE tanθ (c) W = pE secθ (d) None of these Ans:-(a)
Sthir-vaidhutikee Objective
(9) किसी दी गयी दूरी पर स्थित दो ईलेक्ट्रोनो के बीच क्रियाशील गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल एवं विधुतीय-बल क्रमशः Fg तथा Fe हो तो Fg/Fe का अनुपात होगा !! (a) 9.8 (b) 10⁹ (c) 1042 (d) 10-42 Ans:-(d)
(10) एकसमान विधुतीय-क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्र रूप से निलंबित विधुत-द्विध्रुव की स्थित-उर्जा का मान महत्तम होगा जब द्विध्रुव-आघूर्ण और विधुतीय-क्षेत्र के बीच का कोण हो :- (a) 0 (b) π/2 rad (c) π/4 rad (d) π rad Ans:-(d)
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Bihar board objective pdf
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Board exam question bank
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> कोई सामान खरीदें 50% ऑफ Friends today we have a topic to talk on are the ones we have today by the way appearing to take are the ones that every exam are asked in today we metal science ranging run of metal so people always use Would continue to people the use of metal then we will learn metal about some interesting topic metal a few questions about some answers so stay tuned Gaya jo kam aya Today we discus that are metal-related questions and their answers also you people exactly If you also have similar question want to know with us, stay tuned The knowledge which the work is located Metal science 1. Bronze what Metals is formed from = Copper and zinc 2. Magnet what Metals is formed from = Alumunium and remove 3. The light metal which is = Lithium 4. Best heavy metal which occurs = Osmium 5. Corrosion takes iron from loads of what occurs= increases 6. The most expensive metal which is = Plati...
 The knowledge which came to work Indian quiz 1 India of the Qin States in Urdu the second language status has been granted = Bihar and Uttar Pradesh 2. In the Lok Sabha on a single day not to be the first Indian prime minister who were = Chaudhary Charan Singh 3. In India, the first underground train when and where lasted = October 21, 1984 in Kolkata 4. In India without ministerial eclipse made directly to the prime minister how many people were made = Three people \ Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi and Chandra Shekhar Azad 5. Indian revolutionaries in the first hanging-who was granted = River was 6. Rajiv Gandhi's grandfather what was the name of = Jahangir eat ( Gujarat) 7. Mahatma Gandhi the first Mahatma who said it was = Ravindra Nath Tagore 8. In the Mahabharata war and who through divine vision saw = Sanjay 9. India's first newspaper which was when he published = India get...
1. Dadasaheb Phalke by the film constructed = King riots 2. Jallianwala Bagh massacre after which committee formed = Hunter committee 3. Bihar in corn co-head the production area which is = Ganga Sati northern area 4. The Reserve Bank set up, when was =1935 5. The Reserve Bank of nationalization when was =1969 6. A beginning of union when passed = 1688 7. Setting up RSS when and who of = 1925-B K. B. Hedgewar 8. The industrial revolution first in the country in which occurred = England 9. April thesis who prepared = Lain 10. Lenin's death when occurred = 1924 ad
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