
2019 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Tell HN: Space Launch Now – Spaceflight News and Events

Tell HN: Space Launch Now – Spaceflight News and Events 7 by happy-go-lucky | 2 comments

Apple News No Longer Supports RSS

Apple News No Longer Supports RSS 3 by newscracker | 1 comments

Show HN: HN Card, Hacker News Profile Overlay

Show HN: HN Card, Hacker News Profile Overlay 11 by hncard | 3 comments

Pythonic News (HN Clone)

Pythonic News (HN Clone) 3 by laktak | 1 comments

Why personalized news recommendations and privacy are not mutually exclusive

Why personalized news recommendations and privacy are not mutually exclusive 10 by PaxX | 0 comments

Unbearable news

Unbearable news 6 by zuhayeer | 0 comments

Show HN: HNTerm – Browse Hacker News in the Terminal

Show HN: HNTerm – Browse Hacker News in the Terminal 5 by ggerganov | 1 comments

A news helicopter was struck by a suspected drone, causing substantial damage

A news helicopter was struck by a suspected drone, causing substantial damage 15 by prostoalex | 17 comments

Where Pizza Rat, fake news and art collide there’s a wizard named Zardulu (2017)

Where Pizza Rat, fake news and art collide there’s a wizard named Zardulu (2017) 8 by eindiran | 1 comments

How Fake News Is Still Fooling Facebook’s Fact-Checking Systems

How Fake News Is Still Fooling Facebook’s Fact-Checking Systems 22 by pslattery | 0 comments

The Quality, Popularity, and Negativity of 5.6M Hacker News Comments

The Quality, Popularity, and Negativity of 5.6M Hacker News Comments 3 by pcr910303 | 1 comments

A comment on Hacker News lead to 4 ½ new Unicode characters

A comment on Hacker News lead to 4 ½ new Unicode characters 3 by pcr910303 | 0 comments

Sham news sites make big bucks from fake views

Sham news sites make big bucks from fake views 15 by pseudolus | 2 comments

Facebook adds corrective label on user's post under new Singapore fake news law

Facebook adds corrective label on user's post under new Singapore fake news law 3 by 9nGQluzmnq3M | 2 comments

Singapore tells Facebook to correct post under new fake news law

Singapore tells Facebook to correct post under new fake news law 5 by djsumdog | 1 comments

How can you know what news is real?

How can you know what news is real? 20 by flywithdolp | 5 comments

Singapore issues first correction order under 'fake news' law

Singapore issues first correction order under 'fake news' law 26 by raleighm | 14 comments

“You Don’t Bring Bad News to the Cult Leader”: Inside the Fall of WeWork

“You Don’t Bring Bad News to the Cult Leader”: Inside the Fall of WeWork 68 by heshiebee | 13 comments

Show HN: Hacker News Title Edit Tracker

Show HN: Hacker News Title Edit Tracker 36 by petercooper | 6 comments

Show HN: Team newsletter instead of sharing links on Slack

Show HN: Team newsletter instead of sharing links on Slack 4 by piotrgrudzien | 1 comments

Milled: A search engine for email newsletters

Milled: A search engine for email newsletters 8 by mrzool | 0 comments

How the Collapse of Local News Is Causing a ‘National Crisis’

How the Collapse of Local News Is Causing a ‘National Crisis’ 9 by watchdogtimer | 0 comments

Racket News Issue 20

Racket News Issue 20 23 by bwidlar | 0 comments

How to Get Upvoted on Hacker News

How to Get Upvoted on Hacker News 4 by RickJWagner | 0 comments

'Recorder': Meet the Woman Who Recorded 70k Tapes of American News

'Recorder': Meet the Woman Who Recorded 70k Tapes of American News 3 by respinal | 0 comments

Facebook head of news cofounded site critical of Elizabeth Warren

Facebook head of news cofounded site critical of Elizabeth Warren 35 by sandmansandine | 0 comments

These Hugely Popular Local News Sites in the US and Canada Are Fake

These Hugely Popular Local News Sites in the US and Canada Are Fake 9 by smacktoward | 1 comments

The IRS has granted nonprofit status to a daily newspaper

The IRS has granted nonprofit status to a daily newspaper 22 by cpeterso | 7 comments

Avoid News: Towards a Healthy News Diet [pdf]

Avoid News: Towards a Healthy News Diet [pdf] 38 by andreev_io | 24 comments

Is Anyone Going to Get Rich Off of Email Newsletters?

Is Anyone Going to Get Rich Off of Email Newsletters? 13 by mathattack | 2 comments

Start a Paid Newsletter

Start a Paid Newsletter 27 by zxlk21e | 3 comments

Mark Zuckerberg is struggling to explain why Breitbart belongs on Facebook News

Mark Zuckerberg is struggling to explain why Breitbart belongs on Facebook News 3 by smacktoward | 0 comments

Post-Soviet Origins of Fake News

Post-Soviet Origins of Fake News 3 by jgwil2 | 0 comments

BBC News launches 'dark web' Tor mirror

BBC News launches 'dark web' Tor mirror 88 by worldofmatthew | 33 comments

No one working at Newsweek can tell me why it still exists

No one working at Newsweek can tell me why it still exists 18 by smacktoward | 3 comments

Australia Newspapers Redact Front Pages in Media-Freedom Protest

Australia Newspapers Redact Front Pages in Media-Freedom Protest 58 by soroushjp | 11 comments

When the Student Newspaper Is the Only Daily Paper in Town

When the Student Newspaper Is the Only Daily Paper in Town 7 by danso | 0 comments

Ask HN: Is Hacker News API returning wrong “time”?

Ask HN: Is Hacker News API returning wrong “time”? 2 by Elect2 | 0 comments Example: https://ift.tt/2J5ayLI it shows "4 hour ago"(by time I posted this question) API: https://ift.tt/2MxV4C9 unix time:1571218522, and it is 3 days ago.

Hacker News Digest: A responsive HN with summaries and illustrations

Hacker News Digest: A responsive HN with summaries and illustrations 5 by feltsense | 1 comments

Hacker News in Now Reachable via IPv6

Hacker News in Now Reachable via IPv6 7 by telmich | 3 comments

Redditor finds ABC News using KY gun range footage claiming it's from Syria

Redditor finds ABC News using KY gun range footage claiming it's from Syria 3 by slowhand09 | 0 comments

Show HN: A New Tool to Understand and Visualize the News

Show HN: A New Tool to Understand and Visualize the News 3 by bmusto19 | 1 comments

Show HN: A news aggregator for the Python community written in Python/Django

Show HN: A news aggregator for the Python community written in Python/Django 5 by sebst | 1 comments

Pixel Watch news could be what many Google fans have been waiting for

Pixel Watch news could be what many Google fans have been waiting for 5 by praveenscience | 0 comments

Newsrooms, let’s talk about G Suite

Newsrooms, let’s talk about G Suite 82 by tysone | 24 comments

Devurls: A dev news aggregator that automatically pulls from multiple sources

Devurls: A dev news aggregator that automatically pulls from multiple sources 14 by IA21 | 4 comments

Google to stop showing news snippets for French users

Google to stop showing news snippets for French users 21 by tannhaeuser | 3 comments

Select Sections from Images of Newspaper Clippings Using OpenCV and Python

Select Sections from Images of Newspaper Clippings Using OpenCV and Python 4 by code_devil | 0 comments

The news industry was complicit in the opioid crisis

The news industry was complicit in the opioid crisis 4 by danso | 1 comments

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000 32-core CPU is more bad news for Intel

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000 32-core CPU is more bad news for Intel 89 by rbanffy | 31 comments

Linode Shut Down a Newspaper

Linode Shut Down a Newspaper 57 by Ap0c | 14 comments

How UK security services neutralised the Guardian newspaper

How UK security services neutralised the Guardian newspaper 7 by ctack | 0 comments

Show HN: Clojure / Script GraphQL Fullstack Learning Project: Hacker News Clone

Show HN: Clojure / Script GraphQL Fullstack Learning Project: Hacker News Clone 18 by promesante | 1 comments I have ported "The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL" series, https://ift.tt/2t9BjE0, from Javascript to Clojure/script. Blog post: https://ift.tt/2ZjYRdl Source code GitHub repo: https://ift.tt/2ZC7VXf Suggestions and corrections, more than welcome.

Tell HN: Thank you for not redesigning Hacker News

Tell HN: Thank you for not redesigning Hacker News 135 by ramphastidae | 30 comments I’m currently in a country with low speed internet and the entire ‘modern’ web is basically unusable except HN, which still loads instantly. Reddit, Twitter, news and banking sites are all painfully slow or simply time out altogether. To PG, the mods and whoever else is responsible: thank you for not trying to ‘fix’ what isn’t broken.

NetNewsWire 5.0 – Open-Source RSS Reader for Mac

NetNewsWire 5.0 – Open-Source RSS Reader for Mac 28 by BooneJS | 2 comments

NetNewsWire 5.0 RSS Reader Rebuilt from Scratch, Now Free and Open Source

NetNewsWire 5.0 RSS Reader Rebuilt from Scratch, Now Free and Open Source 4 by jseliger | 1 comments

U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation

U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation 19 by chadmeister | 4 comments

Show HN: I Built a “Google Alerts” for Hacker News

Show HN: I Built a “Google Alerts” for Hacker News 8 by marcxmiller | 1 comments

The Decline of College Newspapers

The Decline of College Newspapers 8 by pseudolus | 3 comments

Class 10th social science vvi question objective bihar bord

Abki baar 10th cross 2020 Class tenth of the social science of some important objective questions > कोई सामान खरीदें 50% ऑफ Gk क्वेश्चन पढ़े ऑनलाइन  1. The Bharatiya Janata Paty haunting in the first time when came =1996 2. In India, the crew changed the law when it was implemented = 1985 3. The Bloody Sunday incident, when Hui = 9 January 1905 4. For theft murder when =1922 5. Geneva agreement when =1954 6. The Chipko movement started when was =1970 e 7. Resources are are not formed or the statement in is = Zimmerman 8. In the Lok Sabha election for the number of members =545 9. The 15th Lok Sabha from the East in the Lok Sabha, participation of women was =10% 10. Milk of magnesia the pH value of =10.5 Gk क्वेश्चन पढ़े ऑनलाइन 

The “Post-Truth” Publication Where Chinese Students in America Get Their News

The “Post-Truth” Publication Where Chinese Students in America Get Their News 5 by mitchbob | 0 comments

Twitter is blocked in China, but its state news agency is buying promoted tweets

Twitter is blocked in China, but its state news agency is buying promoted tweets 3 by noarchy | 0 comments

Beleaguered Moderators Who Keep Hacker News Focused on Intellectual Curiosity

Beleaguered Moderators Who Keep Hacker News Focused on Intellectual Curiosity 6 by praveenscience | 0 comments

Dissidents Are Using Shortwave Radio to Broadcast News into China

Dissidents Are Using Shortwave Radio to Broadcast News into China 8 by jonbaer | 0 comments

Ask HN: What are some niche or alternative news aggregators worth checking out?

Ask HN: What are some niche or alternative news aggregators worth checking out? 43 by crocodiletears | 18 comments I know this question has been asked before, in one form or the next. But I'd like to make a push to expand my media diet. Are there any domain specific aggregators you use, or are there any promising new plays in the news aggregation space?

Show HN: Yack – Community Browser for Hacker News, Reddit, YouTube and More

Show HN: Yack – Community Browser for Hacker News, Reddit, YouTube and More 2 by 7961636B6572 | 0 comments

The Lonely Work of Moderating Hacker News

The Lonely Work of Moderating Hacker News 18 by lordnacho | 0 comments

Running the Arctic’s Alt-Weekly Newspaper

Running the Arctic’s Alt-Weekly Newspaper 2 by Thevet | 0 comments

How to get 30k Hacker News visitors to your website

How to get 30k Hacker News visitors to your website 62 by harrydry | 30 comments

The Expanding News Desert (2018) [pdf]

The Expanding News Desert (2018) [pdf] 2 by wallflower | 0 comments

The Truth about Kermit News (1994)

The Truth about Kermit News (1994) 6 by stargrave | 0 comments

2019 के एग्जाम में पूछे जा सकते हैं यह महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो जीके से संबंधित है जनरल नॉलेज

1. Dadasaheb Phalke by the film constructed = King riots 2. Jallianwala Bagh massacre after which committee formed = Hunter committee 3. Bihar in corn co-head the production area which is = Ganga Sati northern area 4. The Reserve Bank set up, when was =1935 5. The Reserve Bank of nationalization when was =1969 6. A beginning of union when passed = 1688 7. Setting up RSS when and who of = 1925-B K. B. Hedgewar 8. The industrial revolution first in the country in which occurred = England 9. April thesis who prepared = Lain 10. Lenin's death when occurred = 1924 ad

कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो 2019.2020 के एग्जाम में पूछे जा सकते हैं

1. हंगरी की भाषा क्या है = मैग्यार 2. हंगरी की राजधानी कहां है = बुडापेस्ट 3. यंग यूरोप की स्थापना किसने की = मैजिनी ने 4. चिंता चीन में कौन सा राष्ट्र शामिल  नहीं था = चीन 5. अंकोरवाट का मंदिर किस देश में बनाया = कंबोडिया  6. स्पिनिंग जेनी का आविष्कार किसने किया था = हमफ्री देवी 7. देश के बांधों को किसने भारत का मंदिर कहा = पंडित नेहरू 8. सबसे गहरी खारे जल की झील = बैकाल झील 9. सूचना का अधिकार आंदोलन की शुरुआत कहां से हुई = राजस्थान से 10. मुद्रा के प्रमुख कार्य हैं = विनिमय का माध्यम

साइंस के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो हर एग्जाम में पूछे जाएं

1. मेंडल ने अपने प्रयोग के लिए किस पौधे का चयन किया था = मटर का पौधा 2. प्राकृतिक चयन का सिद्धांत किसने दिया था = ड्राविंन ने 3. किस डे ज्ञानी को आनुवंशिकी का पिता कहा जाता है = ग्रेगर जॉन मेंडल 4. पुरुष जीन संगठन होता है =xy 5. सोडियम की परमाणु संख्या कितनी है =11 6. सोडियम की संयोजकता क्या है =1 7. धातुओं के ऑक्साइड सामान्यतः होते हैं = छाड़ 8. जल में हाइड्रोजन तथा ऑक्सीजन की परमाणु संख्याओं का अनुपात क्या होता है = दो अनुपात 1 9. अधिकतम ऊर्जा किस स्तर पर रहती है = उत्पादक 10. ओजोन परत के अवक्षय से कौन सी बीमारियां उत्पन्न होती है = के अनुसार मोतियाबिंद जैसी बीमारियां

top 10 gk qusehan जीके के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न

1. चिपको आंदोलन किस वर्ष आरंभ हुआ था = 1970 2. गंगा कार्य योजना किस वर्ष आरंभ हुई थी = 1985 ईस्वी 3. स्वच्छ जल का पीएच मान कितना होता है =7 होता है 4. कॉलीफॉर्म क्या है = एक प्रकार का जीवाणु 5. बड़े-बड़े बांधों से क्या होता है = सिंचाई की व्यवस्था 6. टिहरी बांध परियोजना का निर्माण किस प्रदेश में किया गया = उत्तराखंड में 7. ओजोन के एक अणु में कितने परमाणु होते हैं = 3 परमाणु होते हैं 8. ग्लोबल वॉर्मिंग के लिए उत्तरदाई गए थे = CO2 9. अफ्रीकी मानव का निकटकी संबंध है = चिंपैंजी से 10. कौन सा महादेश मानव जाति का मूल उद्भव स्थल माना जाता है = अफ्रीका

All exam science vvi important questions साइंस के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो हर एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं

 वाले महत   सभी ग्राम में पूजाने वाले महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न l                     Gkstarshivamraj                          Science vvi important questions.                          All                              Exam  1. क्लोरीन की संयोजकता क्या है = एक 2. एलमुनियम का प्रमुख अयस्क है = बॉक्साइट 3. किस धातु को चाकू से सरलता से काटा जा सकता है = सोडियम 4. हेमेटाइट किस धातु का अयस्क है = fe 5. सिलिका क्या है = अधातु है 6. लोहा को जिंक से लेपित करने की क्रिया को कहते हैं = गैलवनीकरण  7. लोहे की परमाणु संख्या कितनी है = 25 8. कौन सा अधातु कमरे के ताप पर द्रव होता है = ब्रोमीन 9. कौन सा धातु कमरे के ताप पर द्रव होता है = पाड़ा 10. कौन सा धातु विद्युत का सुचालक होता है = ग्रेफाइट Gayn ...

Rajnete sarth sa sambandhit vvi question राजनीतिक शास्त्र से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जाड़ एग्जाम में पूछे जाएं

 1. In India, the constituent assembly formed when was =1946 2. In India, the first municipal corporation was founded = In Chennai 3. The Union government is the example of the = States 4. The Concurrent List is kept in the = The centre and the states 5. In the modern era direct democracy where is the = In India 6. In India, the Planning Commission formed when was = March 15, 1950 A. D. to the 7. In the Indian Constitution the rights of the lists is = Three lists 8. In India how many union territories are =7 Union Territories 9. Panchayat samiti is the head of = Major 10. Municipal chief administrator is called the= city commissioner

Vvi question all exam एक बार जरूर read kara in Sabhi queshan ko महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जोहार एग्जाम में पूछे जाएं

 Important questions All exam 1. India's financial capital, what is called = Mumbai 2. Sri Lanka's majority community is the language of the = She 3. In India where the women of the reservation for system is = Panchayati Raj Institution in the 4. Indica-author of the book who are = Megatones 5. Sri Lanka's population, Tamils in the number of how many percent is = 18% 6. Durban bridging ties with new Silk anti-conference when = In 2001 7. Bihar's literacy is = 45% 8. In the US Black Power movement raging as When be was = 1966 9. Black gloves and tied up the sculptures was the epitome = Dark power 10. In India at the national level Panchayati Raj establishing when occurred =1959 This question is very important question for all exam 

सेब इमली टमाटर सिरका दही चाय लाल चींटी आमाशय रस संतरा वो निंबू में कौन सा अम्ल पाया जाता है

Come  H we talk to some important questions about which every one exam are asked in such as which substance in which the acid is found Gayn jo kam aya  The knowledge which came to work Substance present acid 1. Orange and lemon juice citric acid 2. Apples have malic acid 3. Tamarind. Tartaric acid 4. Vinegar. Acetic acid 5. Yogurt. Lactic acid 6. Tomatoes. Oxalic acid 7. Easy juice. Hydrochloric acid 8. Tea. Any acid 9. Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid 10. Red ant. Formic acid So friends this were the question which substances in which the acid is found I hope IAR question of yoga have won Koy galti huye ho to sorry  Any problems  Comment me 

महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु साइंस के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु जोहार एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं पॉलिटेक्निक paramadikal polish group d all exam

https://gkstarshivamraj.blogspot.com/?m=1 Is blog mai Kuch aysa important Q ka bara mai jo har ak exam mai pucha jata hai hai The knowledge which came to work Gayn jo kam aya The important point Light year the distance measuring unit of the hair from the meter of air humidity measured is light scattering of the cause of the color of the sky blue appears to have waves in a vacuum may end up not doing CeeC the object's mass and velocity product of the momentum when handed the cart to Newton's third law according to the further side are drawn not go to bed the object gravity center is the point where the object of all the gay acts harm and energy of matter Joules would have personalities that inhabit the Earth by the sun of the round figure been working with the zeroes would Dahab loaded the clock in the potential energy accumulated Keeps waste at a depth of the fluid stain around and similarities labelmate from the sun the heating of the measured Lagoon the effect...

भारतीय प्रश्नोत्तरी ( BHARAT gk ) भारतीय प्रश्नोत्तरी से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उनके उत्तर जो हर एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं

 The knowledge which came to work Indian quiz 1 India of the Qin States in Urdu the second language status has been granted = Bihar and Uttar Pradesh 2. In the Lok Sabha on a single day not to be the first Indian prime minister who were = Chaudhary Charan Singh 3. In India, the first underground train when and where lasted = October 21, 1984 in Kolkata 4. In India without ministerial eclipse made directly to the prime minister how many people were made = Three people \ Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi and Chandra Shekhar Azad 5. Indian revolutionaries in the first hanging-who was granted = River was 6. Rajiv Gandhi's grandfather what was the name of = Jahangir eat ( Gujarat) 7. Mahatma Gandhi the first Mahatma who said it was = Ravindra Nath Tagore 8. In the Mahabharata war and who through divine vision saw = Sanjay 9. India's first newspaper which was when he published = India get...

अपने आप को जानो आपके शरीर से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न

The heart of man to 24 hours for me,03,689 time beats Hanoi in the arteries of the blood speed of 7 miles per hour Hanna in the body of the total 206 bones Hanna in the body of the 750 muscles meant Hanna of the eye in 1 minute closer to 25 lost an hannony of the hair and nails to reap the time would not hurt them because intoxication is not vacant in the male brain weight of 3.5 pod and female brain weight of 2.5 pod would Hanna's skull in 22 Ashes meant Hanna's body temperature is approximately 98 point 4 fan height would thata healthy person in the body in five to 6 liters Blood the intake of water remained at the in the eyes to go to prevent our object Number of hairs on a million from 200000 to is this statue half-inch mounting had similar softy in 2000000 kid's kid's blood freezing up canopies which is Statue 50 gallon

शरीर विज्ञान (human body ) से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उत्तर

Today in this blog we will learn how the human body related important question which our daily actions in the work but we don't know this question answer also contains every exam in it Question answers are queried So today we will learn how the human body related to important questions Gayn jo kam aya  The knowledge which came to work  So let's blog Start do Friends if you have any jam to give are such as Polytechnic, electrician Group D Mercury medical-itis All these exam in of these questions answered come are the same Body science 1. The blood in red particles from a deficiency of which disease occurs = Anemia 2. Often the hill people living in the girl tubers of the disease suffer from are because = Their food and drinking water in the iodine deficiency is 3. In the human body heart blood delivering work who does = US Space Agency 4. The farmer's fine work is not from diabetes gets = 5. In the human body oxygen in th...

विश्व में सबसे बड़ा छोटा लंबा ऊंचा विश्व में सबसे बड़ा

Friends today in this blog we will learn some important questions which every exam are asked in these questions it's not a question of every exam are asked in so you guys this question to carefully read the GA class 10th history vvi objective Question-answer Gayn jo kam aya The knowledge which came to work If you have any exam are awarding him the first question a must see Igiea you the exam success of course will In the world's largest 1. The largest planet = Jupiter 2. The largest peninsula = Arab 3. The largest continent = Asia 4. The largest desert = the Sahara( Africa) 5. The largest ocean = Pacific Ocean 6. The largest railway station. = Grant Central Terminal( New York) 7. The largest airport. = Fort berth( Texas) 8. The largest zoo = cruiser National Park( South Africa) 9. The largest square. = The Red Square (Moscow) 10. The largest seaport = New York, the 11. The largest city( population)= Tokyo 12. The largest city( area...

धातु विज्ञान से संबंधित कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उत्तर

> कोई सामान खरीदें 50% ऑफ Friends today we have a topic to talk on are the ones we have today by the way appearing to take are the ones that every exam are asked in today we metal science ranging run of metal so people always use Would continue to people the use of metal then we will learn metal about some interesting topic metal a few questions about some answers so stay tuned Gaya jo kam aya  Today we discus that are metal-related questions and their answers also you people exactly If you also have similar question want to know with us, stay tuned The knowledge which the work is located Metal science 1. Bronze what Metals is formed from = Copper and zinc 2. Magnet what Metals is formed from = Alumunium and remove 3. The light metal which is = Lithium 4. Best heavy metal which occurs = Osmium 5. Corrosion takes iron from loads of what occurs= increases 6. The most expensive metal which is = Plati...

खोज और आविष्कार से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो हार एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं

 So friends today we talk to are well question of every one who exam are asked in such as matrik, inter Mercury medical ITI Electrician all exam in it many question are asked It is all the question the search and the invention underlying question  No one EXAM. Give before you go this question once of course looking Igiea Gayan jo kam aya  1. Calculate = V Pascal 2. Raman Effect = C V Raman 3. Quantum theory = Max plan 4. Karbon lamps = Swan 5. Chloroform = James Harrison 6. Gun powder = Roger Bacon 7. Planetary search = Kappler 8. Balloon = most group 9. Clock. = Singh and league San 10. Gaslights. = William Murdoch 11. Search the planets. = Kepler 12. Camera. = Mergers ape green 13. Telegraphy. = Marconi 14. Quad. = Four Mitch 15. Diesel engine. = Diesel 16. Dynamo. = Michael Farad 17. D.D.T. = Dr. Pal more  18. T.V .The germi...

सामान्य ज्ञान के ऐसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो हर एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं Top 10 gk most important

1. At the time of independence in India how many states were = Not even a 2. The most emotion what the animal is = Elephant 3. Cow in the mouth of how many teeth are = 32 teeth are 4. Ravana's real name what was = Ten Greve 5. Which state of India people the most much the internet can run = Maharashtra 6. States the base of the card says what = Green card 7. What Bird's voice the most melodious happens = Nightingale 8. The smallest bird name = Hamid word 9. He which organism is which your to 50 times as much weight-lifting takes = Ant 10. What color of fruit would not = Blue ,http://www.appsgeyser.com/9182359? Download this question And question for above, click on the link  And the question quickly

दस ऐसे प्रश्न जो हर एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं iti poltaknik paramadikal polish और कुछ मजेदार प्रश्न भी इन सब एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं

1. The temples of the city which is called = Varanasi 2. Elephant age how much does = From 80 to 100 years 3. The most intelligent fish which is = Danilin 4. Crocodile age how much does = Almost 100 year 5. MAh the company's installation when was =1945 6. In India which state in Korea called a district = In Chhattisgarh 7. In which Indian state dog meat is eaten = Nagaland 8. Of the worlds most massive snake who is the = Anaconda 9. Which Indian state has the lowest Muslim live = Sikkim 10. What fruit in the worm do not think = Banana ?????????next question aur jald 

सामान्य हिन्दी के 10 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो हर बार पुछे जाते हैं

1. Vivo what country the company is = china China 2. Earth is the most powerful animal who is = Belgium bear 3. Which state of India in the Ravan temple = Rajasthan 4. The world's largest country, which is = Russia 5. What vitamin deficiency hair is white = Vitamin B3 6. World Disease Day when is celebrated = 11th February 7. India's largest building which is = Rashtrapati Bhavan 8. Which bird from the rain water drinks = That bird 9. States in Aadhaar card what to say = Green Kars 10. What in the ocean an also the fish pie doesn't = The Dead Sea And the question soon will come

सामान्य ज्ञान के ऐसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो हर एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं

1. Lipstick in Hindi what to say = Rosiness 2. In India, the constituent assembly formed when was =1946 3. In India at the national level Panchayati Raj establishing when occurred =1959 4. The Bolshevik leader of the revolution who were = Lain 5. The population density of the most Where is = Metropolis 6. Karl Marx the life of the partner who is = Federico agent 7. Nihilism of the parent who is called the = 8. Globalization of how many limbs have =5 organ 9. In the country in which the mixed economy is = India 10= the turtle's life span is how many years would= the whole 3 years And question

Top 10 gk समान विज्ञान महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न

1. Nepal country how many in the district are =78 2. What the people of the country more studies are = Canadian 3. What tree wood with gold even more sought sold out is = Red sandalwood 4. The purse in Hindi what say = To 5. Most forest fetish film who is = Interest 6. In the lion's mouth how many teeth are =26 teeth 7. Which country has the most weapons = Iran country 8. In India the most rain where = Meghalaya 9. Dog what country's national animal = Verma of the country 10 in India most what mobile app is used = WhatsApp app And the question soon will meet


Gk TOP 10 GK⚡⚡⚡⚡⬇ ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ 1. P. m. The full form what is =prime minister 2. CM of full form what is = chip minister 3. Add the number of how is =6 4. Rajasthan of the ship which is called = Camel 5. Fashion of the city which is called = Mumbai 6. The capital city of Haryana where is the = Chandigarh 7. World religion conference where was = In the US 8. Mahatma Gandhi born when was = October 2, 1869 in ad 9. Bhimrao Ambedkar the father-in-law what was the name of = Dr. Ramzi scale 10. Bihar Jharkhand when separated = November 15, 2000  Extra question Jabab Coment me Q. The human eye how many megapixels is

Class 10th social science important question objective bihar bord

Class 10 social science some of the important questions 1. Garibaldi profession from what was = Nucleus 2. Das Kapital is the author of who are the = Karl Marx 3. Who said democracy I love you = Ever Carpenter 4. Karl Marx born where was = In Germany 5. Blood and iron policy of Able who did = Bismarck 6. In London, The Underground Railroad beginning of the When was = 1807 A. D. in the 7. World Trade the headquarters of the Where is the = In Geneva 8. Democracy of the masses by the public to the public the rule is this statement which is = Abraham Lincoln 9. The unification of Germany for Bismarck's war are made = 3 war made 10. Jallianwala Bagh massacre when was = April 13, 1919 ad in the  And the question you soon will find