सामान्य हिन्दी के 10 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो हर बार पुछे जाते हैं

1. Vivo what country the company is

= china China

2. Earth is the most powerful animal who is

= Belgium bear

3. Which state of India in the Ravan temple

= Rajasthan

4. The world's largest country, which is

= Russia

5. What vitamin deficiency hair is white

= Vitamin B3

6. World Disease Day when is celebrated

= 11th February

7. India's largest building which is

= Rashtrapati Bhavan

8. Which bird from the rain water drinks

= That bird

9. States in Aadhaar card what to say

= Green Kars

10. What in the ocean an also the fish pie doesn't

= The Dead Sea

And the question soon will come



फल फूल पेड़ पौधे से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उत्तर Top 10 gk