Class 10th social science important question objective bihar bord

Class 10 social science some of the important questions

1. Garibaldi profession from what was

= Nucleus

2. Das Kapital is the author of who are the

= Karl Marx

3. Who said democracy I love you

= Ever Carpenter

4. Karl Marx born where was

= In Germany

5. Blood and iron policy of Able who did

= Bismarck

6. In London, The Underground Railroad beginning of the When was

= 1807 A. D. in the

7. World Trade the headquarters of the Where is the

= In Geneva

8. Democracy of the masses by the public to the public the rule is this statement which is

= Abraham Lincoln

9. The unification of Germany for Bismarck's war are made

= 3 war made

10. Jallianwala Bagh massacre when was

= April 13, 1919 ad in the

And the question you soon will find



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