

TOP 10 GK⚡⚡⚡⚡⬇


1. P. m. The full form what is

=prime minister

2. CM of full form what is

= chip minister

3. Add the number of how is


4. Rajasthan of the ship which is called

= Camel

5. Fashion of the city which is called

= Mumbai

6. The capital city of Haryana where is the

= Chandigarh

7. World religion conference where was

= In the US

8. Mahatma Gandhi born when was

= October 2, 1869 in ad

9. Bhimrao Ambedkar the father-in-law what was the name of

= Dr. Ramzi scale

10. Bihar Jharkhand when separated

= November 15, 2000

Extra question

Jabab Coment me

Q. The human eye how many megapixels is



धातु विज्ञान से संबंधित कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उत्तर

भारतीय प्रश्नोत्तरी ( BHARAT gk ) भारतीय प्रश्नोत्तरी से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उनके उत्तर जो हर एग्जाम में पूछे जाते हैं

2019 के एग्जाम में पूछे जा सकते हैं यह महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न जो जीके से संबंधित है जनरल नॉलेज