

TOP 10 GK⚡⚡⚡⚡⬇


1. P. m. The full form what is

=prime minister

2. CM of full form what is

= chip minister

3. Add the number of how is


4. Rajasthan of the ship which is called

= Camel

5. Fashion of the city which is called

= Mumbai

6. The capital city of Haryana where is the

= Chandigarh

7. World religion conference where was

= In the US

8. Mahatma Gandhi born when was

= October 2, 1869 in ad

9. Bhimrao Ambedkar the father-in-law what was the name of

= Dr. Ramzi scale

10. Bihar Jharkhand when separated

= November 15, 2000

Extra question

Jabab Coment me

Q. The human eye how many megapixels is



फल फूल पेड़ पौधे से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उत्तर Top 10 gk